Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Who told Toni that I was dying? I coughed this morning and he wanted to know if I was ok. Bill and I were afraid that he was going to start pushing me around in a wheelchair.

Bill and Toni have to ask Steve questions when they bet money instead of Wikipedia, what gives?

Toni thinks that I have mono so apparently I will be calling in sick tomorrow and all of next week. This is going to be odd when I have to fill out a L&I claim form because I'm pretty sure it happened at work.

Sarah decided that she needed her own Apex gathering since she hates chicken wings and football so she wants to do a "Downton Abbey" theater night. I hope that she remembers to brings enough wine for all of us since she is the organizer.

Whoever left their lunch in the break room on the counter today should be thankful that I didn't eat it and then complain about the stuffing being hard, I so badly wanted to pull a Kellen.

From Boston we headed towards Maine and stopped in New Hampshire for lunch in Portsmouth. I would have loved to have stayed there a little longer, it was a really cute town with some interesting stores and plenty of restaurants, we did go and see a couple lighthouses while we were there. Odd thing was from the Massachusetts state line to Maine's state line is only a fifteen minute drive on the freeway.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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