Monday, September 23, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Sarah called in sick today but I'm pretty sure she's in Disneyland with Ashley (and probably Typh since she's not here either).

Dang Mary made me give back her dog again.

Bill said he had to block Elmo singing Old McDonald's Farm on youtube because his son hates it and has fits whenever he hears it.

Poor Toni's so tired that he forgot why he's tired and what has recently changed in his life when someone asked him.

"She knows better than to ask me for advice (implying that he would only give her sarcasm)." Bill about Roxanne

Our next stop on our trip was to an incredible mansion that was built in 1926 in Ipswich, MA to the Crane family (known for their toilets). I think my husband probably wanted to kill me I made him walk out to the end of their rolling lawn (that measures only 2,060 feet) that overlooked the ocean.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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