Thursday, September 26, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Apparently I make Tim nervous when I wear rubber gloves around the office.

According to Michael, Sarah is the kiss of death.

The guys pretended not to know what "Downton Abbey" was but they insisted on Bath & Body works hand soap for the warehouse bathroom. I blame Bud for what he did to our guys.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong since I was stuck at the office all day yesterday with Bill and Steve was out partying with Matt.

Michael said he saw Sarah at the new Dreamboyz coffee stand and he was in line right behind her.

"You guys need to quit abusing me." Tim

Thank-you Toni and Steve for dissing Tim at lunch today because he took me instead.

Plymouth was an interesting place to visit because of its unique role in American history and because I bought some adorable fall decorations there. While we were there Ryan and I tried to find as many of our known ancestors on burial hill and references to them throughout the city (so yes it was our very own scavenger hunt). 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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