Monday, September 30, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley hit on a fifteen year old guy at the Wing Cook-Off and he told her to look him up in a few years.

"To Ashley even Toni looks tall." Steve   Toni said that was the only time in his life that someone had ever said he was tall.

Now Michael's blaming me for him not winning yesterday. All because I didn't wear something skimpy when I presented the judges with his wings.

"You lying piece of sh*t." Tim to Bill

Michael thinks he won yesterday in his mind because he was so selfless and reminded the other contestants of the rules otherwise they would have been disqualified.

Sarah told Ashley that she is ruining her life because the kid she's hitting on is the son of a somebody Sarah is trying to get work out of.

My poor husband has to  go to the anal rapist tomorrow for a colonoscopy so I won't be at work very long tomorrow.

I have only a few more days of vacation pictures left (I promise). I loved our day on Martha's Vineyard, it was a very unique place to visit and we had gorgeous sunshine. On our boat ride back over from Falmouth we enjoyed a spectacular sunset and a full moon rising above the water.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, September 27, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Steve thinks that Bill made up the excuse about his kids being sick today so that he could finish his bathroom project before his in-laws show up today.

We are going to have some huge issues on Sunday if Bud doesn't win the Wing Cook-Off Trophy, I think we're going to have to rig this contest because I really don't want to see a grown man cry over not winning.

Yes, Ryan and I were only gone for a little over a week and I swear I have a couple weeks worth of pictures. We were very fortunate to have nice weather for almost our entire trip but on the day we drove around Cape Cod it absolutely poured down on us but we still had a nice time driving around to a bunch of lighthouses. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, September 26, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Apparently I make Tim nervous when I wear rubber gloves around the office.

According to Michael, Sarah is the kiss of death.

The guys pretended not to know what "Downton Abbey" was but they insisted on Bath & Body works hand soap for the warehouse bathroom. I blame Bud for what he did to our guys.

Obviously I'm doing something wrong since I was stuck at the office all day yesterday with Bill and Steve was out partying with Matt.

Michael said he saw Sarah at the new Dreamboyz coffee stand and he was in line right behind her.

"You guys need to quit abusing me." Tim

Thank-you Toni and Steve for dissing Tim at lunch today because he took me instead.

Plymouth was an interesting place to visit because of its unique role in American history and because I bought some adorable fall decorations there. While we were there Ryan and I tried to find as many of our known ancestors on burial hill and references to them throughout the city (so yes it was our very own scavenger hunt). 

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

"She asked you for advice?" Toni in a shocked voice to Bill

Poor Toni was told to lay off coffee for two weeks, the man may die because I'm pretty sure it's coffee that surges through his veins.

Bill sure has been trained on what to tell Mary when she insists that she's not wrong.

Downtown Rockport was a really cute place to visit with fun shops and some quaint New England scenery. We ended up going to a lighthouse and realizing that we could see the castle that we had visited prior from this area and also in the distance was the city of Boston (which I was surprised that we could see).

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim's now texting employees that haven't worked here in years with group work texts.

Tim thought Toni was Vance.

Sarah showed up to work today but I'm pretty sure she has the mono that Toni accused me of having last week.

"Roger's right you are a bitch." Bill

Bud expects people to know what game time is on Sunday...I'm a freaking woman (Roger was surprised by that fact today) who doesn't watch football, how the heck would I know.

This was an interesting castle that we went to in Gloucester, MA, Hammond Castle it was built in 1926 with many medieval artifacts incorporated into the castle walls. It was home to John Hammond Jr who held over 400 patents, mostly in radio control and torpedoes.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Monday, September 23, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Sarah called in sick today but I'm pretty sure she's in Disneyland with Ashley (and probably Typh since she's not here either).

Dang Mary made me give back her dog again.

Bill said he had to block Elmo singing Old McDonald's Farm on youtube because his son hates it and has fits whenever he hears it.

Poor Toni's so tired that he forgot why he's tired and what has recently changed in his life when someone asked him.

"She knows better than to ask me for advice (implying that he would only give her sarcasm)." Bill about Roxanne

Our next stop on our trip was to an incredible mansion that was built in 1926 in Ipswich, MA to the Crane family (known for their toilets). I think my husband probably wanted to kill me I made him walk out to the end of their rolling lawn (that measures only 2,060 feet) that overlooked the ocean.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, September 20, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Bill apparently texted Roxanne something about chest pains and then didn't reply to her texts for an hour and then wondered why she was calling him.

Nearly everyone was gone today except Tim who decided to work on a Friday.

I wish we would of had more time to spend in Maine because what we did see was beautiful. We stayed in Kennebunkport (not to be confused with Kennebunk which is the town right next to it) for a night and had one of the best meals on our trip, lobster risotto with a lobster tail on top. It was so fabulous that I want to go back just for that.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, September 19, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Josh!

Steve seems to have a bunch of Disney characters as profile pictures in his phone for co-workers. I'm really afraid that mine is probably Ursula from "The Little Mermaid".

The ladies found out about Dreamboyz Espresso in Capitol Hill and I mentioned that the guys in our office knew about this for over a week now (because of Bill)...Where do you think they've been going for lunch?

Only Toni would ask for a pair of Lululemon pants from a rep as an incentive to sell their merchandise.

Nobody liked the smell of Ashley's food today except for Riley who decided to chew up the bowl her food was in.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Who told Toni that I was dying? I coughed this morning and he wanted to know if I was ok. Bill and I were afraid that he was going to start pushing me around in a wheelchair.

Bill and Toni have to ask Steve questions when they bet money instead of Wikipedia, what gives?

Toni thinks that I have mono so apparently I will be calling in sick tomorrow and all of next week. This is going to be odd when I have to fill out a L&I claim form because I'm pretty sure it happened at work.

Sarah decided that she needed her own Apex gathering since she hates chicken wings and football so she wants to do a "Downton Abbey" theater night. I hope that she remembers to brings enough wine for all of us since she is the organizer.

Whoever left their lunch in the break room on the counter today should be thankful that I didn't eat it and then complain about the stuffing being hard, I so badly wanted to pull a Kellen.

From Boston we headed towards Maine and stopped in New Hampshire for lunch in Portsmouth. I would have loved to have stayed there a little longer, it was a really cute town with some interesting stores and plenty of restaurants, we did go and see a couple lighthouses while we were there. Odd thing was from the Massachusetts state line to Maine's state line is only a fifteen minute drive on the freeway.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

I want to know why Tim didn't pick up a large calendar for Michael too since his ran out at the same time. Now Michael thinks it's my fault when it's really Tim's.

What happened to Faith? She just wants to cry every time that she sees me today.

I remember the good old days when Bill used to be one of the best installers and now he can't even put a Murphy bed together without almost getting stuck inside of it.

Toni has become OCD, he didn't like Sarah rearranging the chocolates in the break room so he taped the box shut so that she can only look at them now.

Saturday morning when we got off the plane in Boston we had some wind gusts from hurricane Dorian but by that evening it had cleared up and it was warm and sunny and we even got to enjoy having dinner outside in the city, it was truly fabulous. On Sunday we walked most of the city and then went over and toured the USS Constitution which is the oldest warship still afloat in the world which was launched in Boston in 1797. After touring the north end of the city my husband decided that he had to find the pastry shop whose boxes were lining all of the garbage cans that we passed by. It was an Italian bakery that had twenty different kinds of filled cannoli and the lines were insane. For our last night in the city we walked to the original Cheers tavern and it was tiny. I texted Roger and told him that I asked to see his picture on the wall (since he was on an episode) and nobody knew who I was talking about.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, September 6, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

My computer tried to screw me first thing this morning and it made me reinstall a program because it knew that I was rushed to go on vacation.

Life is sure interesting when installers get the names of people wrong. Dale had us convinced this morning that he was doing a job for Bill's ex-wife and that there should have been a bag full of money for him in Bill's office. I really felt like I really needed to talk to Roxanne about all of this.

Michael lied to me, he promised that he would see me before my trip and he still wasn't here today and I leave tonight on a plane for Boston.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, September 5, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley and I were wondering this morning if Michael likes taking pictures of hot guys in front of his wife (and then texting them and asking if he should bring certain dudes back with him)?

I think I've worn off on Ashley, she wore a dress today.

We were all stunned today to hear that Howard got let go.

Sarah would like a little more than a four word answer from Bill or Steve to any of her questions. She would like them to be more like Roger and she insists on them calling and explaining everything to her.

Tim came into the office early this morning to take down the cat pictures, I guess they finally got to him. I surely won't be asking him to cat sit for me next week.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Bud's out again today, good grief who's face did he punch this time?

I was telling Bill that the office was so quiet today and it's mostly because Steve and Toni are gone.

I feel relieved, Tim's somewhat normal, he told us stories this morning about how the wife of the couple they went on their trip with knew that he was only tolerating him at the end. Three months is a long time to be with other people, I couldn't do it.

Bill screwed up laminating Tim's CPR card just in case anybody else would like him to laminate something for them.

"It's not my place to say anything." Bill and then I called him out on it.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim's back and he claims that he's "a whole new Tim". I told him that I give him until next week to start butting into everyone else's business and ruin his whole new Tim approach.

"You're not fat but your belly is." Steve's daughter to him

Bill was making all of us jealous today, he mentioned that Roxanne organizes their junk drawer and Bill's tool box with zip lock bags. I need her to come organize all of my junk drawers.

Why is it that every time that Toni, Steve and Bill start talking I want to yell "that's what she said".

*not to be construed as Gossip