Tuesday, August 7, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

"I think I could sell a drowning man water." Toni

If you need any yard or house work done just fill out a form for Tim, he loves to do all night projects and apparently it keeps him out of trouble.

Ashley told me that she couldn't afford to get drunk at Watershed, the drink prices were outrageous.

Toni almost got stuck in our dumpster. I think his plan was to do this on purpose so that he could have a big strong man pull him out but when he called for help Kellen came and he told him it was a false alarm and to never mind.

Toni and Sarah can now enjoy their chickens inside their homes with a chicken diaper. I'm curious to find out which one of them buys it first or knowing Toni he probably already has them.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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