Monday, December 12, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Cher is on my crap list again. He came in and told me that I did something wrong...I'll gladly admit if I did something wrong but when you only give me part of the puzzle pieces don't expect me to guess what you did and then tell me that I'm wrong especially first thing on a Monday morning. 

Matt made my crap list today too and he knows why. 

The cashier at Lowe's had to tell me late on Friday night about how Yoda represented peace on earth for Christmas where as the Star Wars Troopers did not. It's a good thing I picked out the Yoda lights for Bill and Toni's office otherwise I would still be standing in line listening to this kids reasoning's.

Toni and Tim think they're leaving early on Friday night so that they can go hunting the next morning.

Roger told me that he was hurt that his desk wasn't decorated for Christmas.

Roger I ordered you something special.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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