Monday, December 5, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

"If they start hard balling, I'll claim mental health issues." Roger  Bill was pretty sure if they picked anyone out of Roger's second grade class they would be able to testify that Roger had issues back then.

Roger seems to very lost today. I'm pretty sure it's because his wife left him alone all weekend. She really should know better by now.

"In my defense I have a disease." Bill

Toni shared this food porn commercial with all of us today only because he was really into the pool boy and wanted to know where to get one.

I want to know why the word creamy is acceptable to Toni but not moist?

Ryan and I decided to see the snow early this week. We went to Mount Rainier yesterday and were going to snowshoe at Paradise but they never opened the gate at Longmire so we briefly got to snowshoe around Longmire and I was a stupid idiot and forgot my snow boots but I improvised with plastic bags and luckily those kept my feet dry.

*not to be construed on Gossip

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