Monday, November 14, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Bill threatened to fire Toni because he doesn't like to put celery in his homemade stuffing.

I think my marriage is over, my husband was receiving sexts from a drunk girl named Jennifer late on Friday night.

Tim claims that Toni started f%@#$ing with him first thing this morning. I swear that Toni's turned all of our guys gay.

Toni wanted me to pick the restaurant for Nikki's birthday dinner tonight so that he could blame everything on me if it wasn't good. I didn't want to fall into his trap so I told him to be a man and he started to cry.

Somebody told Mary that she was the only one left at the office....Typhinee and I were still there. Just because Toni leaves doesn't mean the rest of us don't count.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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