Tuesday, November 8, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni thinks we should have today off to be able to vote. Does he not realize that he can vote from home on a piece of paper and mail it in? 

Toni just figured out (with a lot of help from Bill and me) that Kirk Douglas is Michael Douglas' father and he's going to be 100 on December 9th.

"I tried to spell tile and I came up with tinkle." Bill   Bill wanted to sell wall tinkle which I thought was kind of odd.

Bill was freaking out today because Tim brought his lunch and he was putting ketchup on his steak. Tim claims that he only put ketchup on his potato but living in Enumclaw may have turned him into a redneck.

"My wife's a liar." Bill

*not to be construed as Gossip

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