Wednesday, November 9, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Roger thinks Hilary might file for divorce today.

According to Mary, Donald had his tweeter account taken away from him. Bill also told her to keep drinking straight for the next four years. I'm going to remind him what he said when he complains about her horrible appearance for the next several years.

This is pretty sad when this was the top search for yesterday. "According to Google Trends, the fourth most searched question about Hillary Clinton in the last 24 hours is this: “Is Hillary Clinton Republican?”"

Toni didn't want Bill's pick me up today. Bill thought he picked up his daughter just fine so when Toni didn't want his services he was crushed.

Somebody stole this guys Kit Kat bar so Kit Kat decided to give him a whole car load of Kit Kat's. This guy really needs to start locking his doors or else his future wife will hate him someday.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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