Monday, June 17, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

"Marriage is a battle not a romance." Bill

"I was happy because my wife was miserable yesterday with a cold that I gave her." Bill content that his cold was worse than his wife's (from a week ago).

Heather was apparently hung over until 3pm on Saturday because that's what time she came to get her car. The rumor is that she went out with Bryan to the bar the night before.

"I am not a socially inappropriate person like you are." Bill to Toni

I spent over two hours on the phone today with someone from Quickbooks trying to fix my file and while we were sharing my computer screen I realized I have some awesome pictures on my desktop and of course they are all named. This woman probably thinks I send Ron Jeremy ransom notes and racist remarks about Asian drivers which of course I do.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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