Monday, June 3, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Toni thinks this office is a petri dish of disease with everyone who seems to be sick today. Toni has threatened not to come in tomorrow because he doesn't want to become one of them.

Bill was telling me this morning that he thinks a woman hit on him thirteen years ago and he just now recently realized it. Then on top of it he made me try and remember the woman's name and I think I actually did.

Leave it to Steve and Toni to tell the most disgusting stories while I was eating lunch today.

Toni had friends over this last weekend and gave them a rat show with his chickens. I was surprised at how many people had an issue with them killing rats.

Of course Toni has a college story about drinking hand sanitizer, he warned Ashley not to do that.

Heather's pretty sure that Bill and I have something going on because of the flowers that he got me for my birthday, she's definitely jealous.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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