Tuesday, June 11, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

I was really hoping that Bud would be back today, Typh demanded Ashley and me to do stuff for her all day yesterday.

Bill claims that Toni's chicken experience was an education.

"It's like when I told my co-worker to watch "The Sixth Sense"." Bill to me about me watching "The Fifth Element" instead.

Toni claims that he and Steve got sick yesterday from what they ate for lunch but the rest of us think it's probably from something else....

I missed Bryan coming in on his motorcycle this morning and apparently he is way sexier on that thing than I am according to some people.

Toni had the same complaint today that he has everyday, Steve played with his nipples way too much today.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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