Monday, June 10, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Michael finally came back to work today and everybody made him tell his horrible stories fifteen times and even worse he couldn't hear himself because his ears were still clogged from his cold from last week.

Ashley refuses to date a chicken farmer.

Toni and Nikki went and stayed on Bainbridge Island over the weekend and they thought everyone was way too friendly. Toni compared his experience to "The Truman Show".

A guy came in and told Bill that he looked younger than the last time he saw him. We're pretty sure that Bill had never met this guy before.

Sarah and Michael seem to recall a conversation before Tim left that he would be dieting on his trip and he would look like a half Tim when he came back. Needless to say they both saw the picture of Tim eating a huge plate of nachos and pointed out his diet.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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