Thursday, September 27, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Sarah, you need to bring in more candy, Ashley 1.0 and I took all of the good stuff from your desk.

For our third day in Vienna we went to the summer residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy which has two palaces on the property, the Upper and Lower Belvedere. I'm really not sure why he had two summer palaces but apparently he thought he needed both of them. Both of the palaces have been turned into art modern art museums and I think my husband blushed every time someone (mostly crazy Asians) took pictures of the nether regions of a very large sculpture of a naked woman in the first room. Then from there we had to go to a church to confess all of our sins. Now you know that I'm lying because that's also the same area that I found the Wiener Water drinking station so I would have been back and forth all day with the priest.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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