Friday, September 7, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

These installers need some geography lessons or maybe just maps in the warehouse... I mentioned to someone this morning that our first stop on our trip is Vienna and I got a "I hear they have some great beaches with crystal clear water there" and it wasn't Kellen this time since he asked me if I saw the Eiffel tower when I was in Italy last year.

Toni said he found some new Japanese porn today Zoro. Apparently he was trying to google Corvette Zora but found porn instead....

I think Sarah was trying to psych me out with her story about not sleeping on a flight to Ireland years ago, she's so sweet.

Don't blame me if you don't like the new toilet paper. Costco shipped the wrong stuff and Typhinee calmed me down when I wanted to cry and said it would be ok. Complain to her if your bum hurts while I'm gone.

Toni you've ruined us, Ashley 2.0 was complaining today that we need Larry at work.

I'm still not going on a cruise....even though it seems to be engraved into everybody's mind that I am.

Roger thinks that I'm going to bring him back a present. I'm not sure what he's going to do when I bring back George Clooney for him.

Sarah had to bring up the awesome pastries that I'm going to see and I want them all right now.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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