Friday, February 9, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

A certain someone went home for an early nooner today. Actually she didn't tell me what she went home for so only Bill knows and the odd thing was Bill left shortly after....hmmm.

According to Toni, Typhinee lost a gallon and a half of paint (with the bucket) with her surgery. Toni seems to measure a lot of things by the gallon, for example Nikki's purses.

I think Toni wanted Mr. Woo to take him home today, he fell in love with his car.

I walked back into my office after rummaging through Tim's desk for hotdogs, I noticed on the floor the pen cap that had gone missing and I was super excited  (I had almost put out a lost flyer with a reward for it) and then I looked up and Bill startled me, he was sitting in my chair. I think Bill wanted to sit at my desk and breathe in all of my crazy scents today. Next time Michael's going to have to bring him flowers so that I don't have this problem anymore.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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