Wednesday, September 6, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Kellen told Typhinee yesterday that he took his girl to some Boy scout camp that all of the Amway people got to go to over the weekend. Typhinee's pretty sure these Amway people are all pedophiles and they think he's just some underage kid. Almost the same exact thing happened on "Arrested Development" so it's very possible.

Jenny left for Utah and thinks Steve can manage...I'm pretty sure Steve's been working on another Costco sized bottle of liquor in his office.

Crap I have to be nice today to Kellen because he brought us in doughnuts.

Everyone is ready for me to leave on vacation. Roger told me that he was going to move to Victoria until I leave and Sarah tried getting me to leave this weekend instead of next.

Well it's Ashley's week for vacation, she's off to Vegas.

Don't ever post a deceiving video on the internet because Mary will find it and hunt you down.

Leave it to Richard Branson to ride out the hurricane on his private island in his wine cellar.  Actually that sounds pretty good to me.

I think Joseph must have signed up to be a Pilot or a Stewardess for Jet Airways because they called about his employment dates today.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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