Friday, September 1, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

I think Tim thinks that the Roomba is alive.

Wow, Roger had Ashley totally fooled. Someone was telling Ashley a Roger story today and she just couldn't wrap her mind around it. Apparently Michael and Roger are both mysteries to her.

Toni lost his hunting boots, he's pretty sure he left them at his empowered woman's yoga retreat.

We discovered that Sarah hasn't met Marty yet....That's another love affair just waiting to happen.

Matt dropped in on us today to show off his new masculinity.

Speaking of masculinity, Toni mentioned that he is going hunting and all of us women started wondering what he was actually going to hunt, I thought it was bear season but Toni told us he's going to hunt doves.

Obviously Roger was worried about this asteroid and could feel it passing by his aura. 

Now Sarah wants new business cards because she wants a better title than Roger.  I have to say it's way easier to make fun of Roger than Sarah but here's a few ideas for her: Genius Sales Manipulator, Carpet Fluffer Rockstar, Conniving Floozie and Entertainment Specialist, Inspirational Star Dancer in "Kinky Boots" and "Gay" a Gay Musical,  Expert in Back Burner Romances, Tai Chi Master Jedi & Irish Alcoholic, Flooring Miracle Worker Diva, Overzealous Chicken Poo Enthusiast, Food You Can Wear & Eat Fashion Model, Elton John Impersonator and Customer Solutions Engineer & Incident Manager.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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