Friday, January 27, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Steve informed me that it was his great grandmother who died last night so he has plenty more grandparents to have day off excuses for.

I'm pretty sure Toni's mom is the devil. She brought us in bagels today. I'm positive that she's never eaten a bagel in her life and wants the rest of us to eat this food so that she'll always be the gorgeous and thin one.

A lady on the phone today told Typhinee that she sounded much younger than the other person who answered the phone before (me).  Fantastic now my voice is apparently deepening too.

Somebody had way too much time on their hands today and lined Roger's business cards on the carpet to make a trail to his office. They were very precise in their measurements as far as spacing. Nobody admitted to doing this so Steve's sure that his dead grandmother is just f*$%ing with him. I personally think it was Michael and he just didn't want to admit to it...

*not to be construed as Gossip

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