Wednesday, January 18, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Toni was telling me the other day that he really likes Benedict Cumberbatch as an actor. I had to laugh because he played a he/she in "Zoolander 2".

I'm going to blame Matt for leaving and distracting me to forget Steve's birthday yesterday. Out of guilt Steve got two cakes and a box of cookies today.

Roger came up with a clever idea yesterday but he doesn't want anyone to think that he's a designer.

Bill promised me last week that he was going to leave Katherine here for me to babysit but I think she got out of Bill's office before Monday morning because I can't seem to find her.

Toni's stoked he's going to march in a protest with a whole bunch of angry women on Saturday. The good thing is he claims that he will take pictures of the "earthy" women. Earthy is his new word for a bunch of weird stuff. So if he ever says "April, you're looking quite earthy today" I'll know to slap the crap out of him.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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