Tuesday, January 3, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Michael thinks that we're all slackers because we didn't show up for work yesterday. I'm pretty sure he and Toni formed a club.

I'm so mad at Mary right now, I had a dream that she gave Riley to a neighbor.

"I'm turning into an old codger." Bill

I'm moving up in the world, Roger told me that I'm ahead of Crystal on his list.

I just read a headline that said that the worlds oldest known killer whale is presumed to be dead at 105. This has Toni's name written all over it. Toni, what did you do?

Ryan and I ventured over to Franklin Falls at Snoqualmie Pass on New Years Day and it was sure beautiful but there were way too many stupid people, it took us forever to get out of that place.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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