Wednesday, December 2, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Toni thought that Ralph Lauren was queer and I didn't think so because I remembered that Phoebe was fooling around with Kenny the copy boy who pretended to be Ralph Lauren. If Toni would just watch "Friends" he would have known all of this.

Toni says Yum Sauce is like crack cocaine. I wouldn't know because it comes from a vegetarian restaurant and I refuse to go.

"I wouldn't know I don't have any mental health issues." Roger

Roger told me that I was starting to piss him off. I think my talks about one of the islands I'm going to sent him over the edge.

Apparently the guys ruled at lunch today that I'm not allowed to go on vacation. I think once they see the wrath of April they'll insist that I leave immediately.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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