Monday, August 31, 2020

08/26/2020 to 8/31/2020

 The Daily Chatter*


Bill was insulted that Tim and Toni didn't want to have lunch with him. In their defense they probably heard about the two gallons of ranch dressing that Bill accidentally made and is using on everything. 

I think Bill was listening to a recording on Roger's thoughts because he was in his office laughing half of the day on Wednesday. 

Ashley doesn't seem to like Architects from San Francisco.  

Steve has decided that Ashley and Toni need to share a sauna for their office. 

We now have a dead Christmas tree in our dumpster. I would have thought somebody might have had time to clear that out during Quarantine Days. 

Antifreeze is Tim's new answer for dealing with crazy family members.

"My life compared to yours is pretty good." Tim to Bill

Mary found out over the weekend that her daughter and her family are moving into her house tomorrow so she's just a little stressed. 

Bill and Toni had a conversation about grabbing each other in Toni's office. Needless to say I won't be going out to Toni's office anymore when he has the door closed. 

One of our contractors knew that Ashley was from Battleground and Bill and I didn't even know that. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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