Wednesday, May 23, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Michael!

The big news today is Mary's going to be a grandmother, Stephanie's pregnant. The other really big news is Toni was able to keep it a secret (mostly) which is very very difficult for Toni. 

Toni thinks he's a big dog because that's what he told Bill. I think he needs Tim to bring him back to reality.

Poor Roger everyone refused to see him today.

I have a feeling that Ashley 1.0 will protest and cause riots if we move her out of her office when the new offices are built. She already has a door full of post it notes.

Typhinee yelled at Marty yesterday and told him to take it easy in the warehouse on the forklift because we all still have PTSD. I do have to say it helped, the ceiling stopped moving after she yelled at him.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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