Monday, March 2, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Today's Chatter seems to be all about Toni all because he bought a boat over the weekend.

"Have you not known me for the last umpteen years, you should know I don't let anything go." Toni and he's apparently still mad at his third grade teacher

Toni doesn't like his new desk, he would like it up on cinder blocks so that his chair will fit under it. I offered him one of Jason's phone books to sit on and he sort of liked that idea.

Our second day on the Big Island was one of my favorites even though we ended up on the wrong side of the canyon that we were going to hike on. We ended up skipping the hike because it wasn't sunny out and then we went to one of my favorite black sand beaches which has one of the most amazing lagoons that I've ever been to and there is always an abundance of turtles.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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