Tuesday, May 28, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

According to Toni flooring people are disgusting. He went to lunch today and some other guys who worked in the flooring industry were talking behind him about hot seventeen year olds and Toni for some reason didn't think that was appropriate (maybe because they were talking about women).

I wonder how Michael's doing on day one of his wife's surgery. I think he's going to start begging us to let him come back to work tomorrow.

As some of you know I got to visit Friday Harbor on San Juan Island over the holiday weekend and it was just as beautiful as I remembered it to be. I think it's been over ten years since Ryan and I have been there, I thought it was a very scenic island with the most adorable baby foxes that I've ever seen. I'm a little disappointed that my husband wouldn't let me take one home with us because I could have left it here to attack our nightly dumpster visitors. 

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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