Monday, May 13, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Heather's son told her he didn't want to come to our BBQ because there were going to be too many titties, he's obviously heard about Mary's wild parties.

Matt S. still looks the same, tall, skinny and too much hair on his face.

I got to meet my long lost lover Larry at our BBQ. Now my husband wants to know why I had phone sex with the man.

Heather's husband apparently has a perfectly round mouth according to her and her hickeys.

The Pinnacle guys tried calling me Rachel since they knew how much I love that.

Bryan doesn't need tattoos because he has some very proud life marks.

Michael wants some girl time to get his nails done.

Steve and Toni turned themselves into women and surprisingly Steve was the prettier one.

"I guess I should get some VD from you." Bill to Howard

Tim just told me that his last day before his very long boat trip is next Thursday.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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