Monday, May 6, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim tried telling me that my hair was looking redder today. Seriously is he trying to tell me that I look like a serial killer because I know what he thinks about women with red hair.

As of today Roger may come to our BBQ on Friday.

Heather was very upset with me all Friday night because she thought I was withholding The Daily Chatter from her. Needless to say she was probably disappointed when she got it.

I was shocked to hear that even as a kid Tim didn't like Spam. He mentioned that he threw it up and his mother just figured that he was seasick.

I walked into Toni's office and Larry was sitting in Toni's chair, it was the most adorable thing ever.

Ryan and I started off our spring hiking with one of my favorite trails yesterday at Snoquera Falls and surprisingly we ran into Matt on our way down.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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