Friday, April 6, 2018


The Daily Chatter*

Toni's a little confused, he says he's going to Arizona next week for Christmas.

I saw a headline about Portugal busting a gang that was smuggling glass eels to Asia from Europe. Shouldn't Europe just be happy to get rid of their eels?

Washington states national parks received a million dollar donation from someones estate recently.  Maybe Mt Rainier will now splurge for real toilets along Steven's Canyon Road instead of female urinals that I can't figure out.

Sarah's too funny, she's determined to be the cool mom that all of her sons friends will like so that he'll stay at home and hang their for the rest of his life.

Ashley 1.0 said that her boyfriend won't take her out to eat because it's too embarrassing and she gets food everywhere. Maybe if she just brought a Roomba everywhere with her he would change his mind.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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