Friday, October 8, 2021

September 2021

 The Daily Chatter*

September 2021

I don't think I want to know how our installers managed to clog a urinal.

Toni thinks his nephew is a freak because he's so smart. 

"It's probably a good thing you never had kids." Chris L. after I told him that my kitten could do whatever she wanted.

Faith told me that I should accessorize my kitten Bella with matching ribbons so now I change out her collar color to match my outfit. 

Serge thought that my office sign said that I was a kitten killer. How delusional does he think that I am?

Apparently Josh and Toni are both idiots. Josh thought Bolivia was in Germany and Toni thought that Belgium was in Germany. 

Leave it to Toni to say something very gay on his jobsite in an elevator full of guys. 

One of Toni's contractors told him that he could just find his profile picture on Grindr (Gay Dating site).

Leave it to Steve to prove his masculinity to us, he went out hunting after dying in bed for a week from Covid. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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