The Daily Chatter*
October 2021
The new warehouse guy who got let go of today thought that I was Tim's wife.
Toni informed all of us that a Spokane tv news station showed 13 seconds of porn on their background screen accidentally but he would be happy to describe the porn to you if you didn't see it.
Bill's son learned a trick to rock, paper, scissors, he turns his fingers into a gun and says bang and wins every time. I really hope that he has a conceal carry permit.
Bill told Siri to remind him to order welding rod and Siri interrupted that as Bill needing a wild ride. I have arranged that for him considering I need more gossip.
Our next door neighbors seem to be taking over our parking lot. Toni's pretty sure that if any of them parked in Tim's spot that there would be a war. Tim should really show up once in awhile and park in his spot so that it doesn't get taken.
Apparently Bill doesn't like Roger's Bob Newhart references and thinks that Roger's age gap to him shows when he says dumb stuff like this. I'm stumped because Bill normally knows everything about old actors but apparently not Bob Newhart.
Bella completely ate Sarah's plant in the breakroom then on top of it she decided that she wanted Bill's salad too. She's a very healthy eater.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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