Monday, November 23, 2020


 The Daily Chatter*


I was shocked to hear that Josh was already back to work today.

Toni takes the sign on his door very seriously especially when you stand at it and talk about your step daughter bobbing for marshmallows and you have no idea what that refers to. 

Last week somebody sat on our front steps and took off their socks and ate an ice cream drumstick. I would say this person was hallucinating and thinking that they were having hot flashes even though it must have been the middle of the night. 

Leave it to Tim to volunteer himself to drive far away to show the department of fish and wildlife something.  

Don't ever wear too much cologne around Steve because he'll threaten to open the doors and air out the building while calling you a French whore. 

Good grief, CenturyLink field has a new name, it's now Lumen Field. As if it matters, I still call the Federal Way Mall the Seatac Mall and how many years has it been. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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