Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 The Daily Chatter*


Steve needs to hurry back, Bill's trying to sell only re-grout jobs.

Bill asked me if I was ready for Halloween last week, I told him I was and that I was going to be Sexy Steve this year and just grow out my facial hair and put on a flannel. Bill told me that if I could do that I would definitely tick Matt S. off if I could grow facial hair faster than him. 

Roxanne doesn't want to be called a Millenial.

Ashley has found the ultimate good time, drive through strippers in Portland. 

Tim left us over the weekend for a nice warm trip to San Diego. I could use some of that sun right now, I'm already tired of our one day of rain. 

According to Bill "Ashley is super wisdomsy"

My phone was trying to pair with Mary's ipad the other day and she naturally thought it was Phoebe Buffay doing it. 

"Anyone who has or will do their own flooring will die, it's a fact." Mr. U'nnells given as the explanation for Sean Connery's death at age 90. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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