Friday, July 31, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley wasn't thrilled that the vet called her dog chunky...

Bill thought the dog's name was Tequila instead of Kahlua.

Why is it that Steve was the only one who got asked to go out on Tim's boat today?

Bill got played by his adorable daughter, she didn't grow three inches in three months, she stood on her tippy toes for him and when she did it for Roxanne she caught her.

I came up with something very insightful today and it probably scared my husband when I said it. The earth must be flat and that's why they're taking down all of the Christopher Columbus statues.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Mary told Bill to feed pizza to his pesky raccoons that he thinks have been coming into his yard at night because she did that once and they never came back (even though she thought they were cute).

Bill and I are starting to think that Roxanne wasn't taught how to play Battleship by the real rules. I think maybe she got the Phoebe version growing up.

Tim finally took home his popcorn maker and Bill yelled good luck to Donna.

I've been horribly slow at sorting out my vacation pictures but here are some of my favorites from a hike that we took outside of Vail, Colorado that was to a place called Hanging Lake that was nestled in between some magnificent canyons and unfortunately the pictures don't do any of it justice.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Friday, July 24, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Mary seems to be going through her streak of having clients with similar last names again just so that it confuses all of us. 

Toni and I are wondering how one of Tim's clients had a picture of Tim from his wedding day.

Ashley thinks we need Safe words for crazy customers like the ones that we had today who were high, bickering and asking the most ridiculous questions but in Ashley's world she doesn't like dealing with any customers so I think she would panic and use the safe word with all of them.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 23, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

I got a huge "crap" on the phone from Roxanne when I answered it this morning. Apparently she's not much of a morning person.

Ashley and I want to know what we did to deserve a little something extra from Marty today? Phoebe said it best.

For some reason it sounds like Michael would have no problem moving to Tonasket with my dad and escaping all of us.

Ashley should be in a better mood from now on, she has completed the Oregon contractors testing.

As a reminder, tonight is one of the last nights to be able to see the comet Neowise. This is our picture from Alki on Saturday night, I couldn't believe how many people were there with expensive cameras and crazy long lenses.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Bill was ready to yell at an installer for bringing in metals to his office but it turned out to be Steve and we can't seem to fire him because he just continues to show up.

"I always thought that Les Schwab had a tack dropping truck." Bill

Ashley's offended that Faith called her a name for staying home yesterday. In Ashley's defense it sounded like she had a really good weekend hangover going on so kudos for showing up on Monday.

Steve was actually picking up after Toni today, Steve's wife is going to be very jealous.

Bill mentioned yesterday that his daughter grew three inches in the last few months and I interpreted it as Roger's hair grew three inches. Why is it that Roger always steals the spotlight from everybody's story?

*not to be construed as Gossip

Monday, July 20, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Toni was mentioning on Friday how much he loves Tim stories and then proceeded to tell the disgusting cow stories.

Speaking of Tim stories, he's going to have to fill us in on how he knew that this seal was giving birth on the dock. He said that the baby seal had been born within the last five minutes of this picture.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 16, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Now Ashley and I are very confused as to where Faith walks during her breaks. She was talking about murder scenes (animal entrails) near some woods and railroad tracks.

I thought I made something Toni proof and put Steve in charge but no that didn't seem to work. Are we going to have to hire more adults like Faith or do I need to become a little scarier to deal with?

One of our reps had a great story about GB today, she claimed that during the midst of the pandemic he called her and started the conversation by swearing at her relentlessly that his carpet wasn't in town and how it was going to ruin his customers life. She retaliated and got to call him an a$$hole in front of her young kids and then by the end of the conversation he had invited her to stop in for drinks with him sometime.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

"Remind me to not let you watch my kids. Who does that to a schluter book?" Bill about loaning Ashley his schluter book that the pages were all stuck together

"Where's the yellow shirt? Did Steve make fun of it too much?" Ashley to Bill   Miraculously Bill had another shirt to wear after his other one got a green spot on it.

Tim left all of us for the San Juan islands today.

Bill told Toni that the firemen that Ashley and Roxanne saw didn't have shirts on, I'm pretty sure he was going to get himself tested right away until Bill told him that he was lying.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Bill made a great observation and mentioned that he's going to be checking the back of the quarters in 2021 because this year one of our quarters has a picture of a bat from American Samoa on it. Which is interesting and ironic because American Samoa still doesn't have any Covid19 cases.
As for our next stop on vacation we traveled over Independence Pass (which has an elevation of 12,095 feet) to Aspen. I don't know if it was because of Covid but the town was fairly quiet but there were still plenty of private jets at the Aspen airport. Most of their stores were so upper end that they were by appointment only so there really wasn't much to see in town. There was an area that we passed fairly regularly that was an elk migration area and there were always herds of elk grazing next to a bunch of horses and one night they were grazing close to the fence with their calves which was an awesome animal sighting to see.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Monday, July 13, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

Ashley and Roxanne are now going for daily Covid tests because they found the testing facility that hot firefighters are doing the tests at. I will need a map to this location please.

Michael wants to become Mary's favorite by tattling on Tim and his new popcorn machine that's at the office at the moment (that Michael gave to Tim).

First day of vacation we stayed in Colorado Springs which has an elevation of 6,035 feet and was a great starting point for some of the places that we visited because the elevation kicked my butt the first few days. We ended up visiting Garden of the Gods in the afternoon and then a monsoon hit so we went back the next morning to see what we missed.

*not to be construed as Gossip

Thursday, July 2, 2020

07/01/2020 & 07/02/2020

The Daily Chatter*

Steve now expects all of us old people to bend over for him because of his procedure.

Tim already doesn't want to work knowing that there's a holiday weekend coming up.

Toni wants to commit suicide over having to redo another bid which had an extensive take off set.

"I've been known to not pay attention." Bill about my vacation meanwhile Steve thinks I'm taking a cruise to Colorado so I think he may win the least to pay attention award over Bill.

*not to be construed as Gossip