Tuesday, April 7, 2020


The Daily Chatter*

It definitely pays to be nice to Faith, I scored an 8 oz bottle of sanitizer today. Once Tim finds out he'll probably try to steal it from me or play his age card that he needs it more than I do.

"I'm going to go take photos of fun things in my office." Toni

Faith heard Bill tell me that my desk should be moved under the sagging ceiling and she figured that Bill was already tired of me during our Corona Virus Days but what she didn't realize was that my desk sat under a sagging beam for years at a previous company.

Bill might become a little more hesitant with the app for his car after today, the dang thing had a mind of its own and backed into a truck.

Who the heck would have ever thought that it could come down to this during these times?

*not to be construed as Gossip

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