Tuesday, August 3, 2021

July 2021

 The Daily Chatter*

July 2021

"Don't let your three year old eat potato chips off of the Sea Tac airport floor." Bill's advice for the month

Ashley finally let us meet John this month.

Dale came in and asked me if I was ok because he noticed that I had lost weight since the last time I saw him.  It was the most awkward conversation but luckily Bill overheard the whole thing so that we could crack up afterwards. Bill asked me if Dale apologized for calling me skinny.

Toni thought a woman in Portland was normal until he saw a sticker saying what she really was BFJMC. 

"Roger's the only guy who acts hung over and doesn't drink." Bill

Toni's still got it. Some college girl hit on him from her car driving by. 

"I'm just being Tim's little courier bitch." Toni

Mary got a pedicure and the guy kissed her feet because he thought that she was a nice woman. 

Michael told Bill that he really needed to watch the tones that that he uses with women. 

Tim's threatening to retire again. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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