Thursday, March 4, 2021


 The Daily Chatter*


Bill was surprised to learn a few weeks ago that officer Dangle works for Jimmy Johns. 

I won't be ordering dog toys based on Steve's recommendations. 

I mentioned Gary's golf mural wall paper the other day and I thought Bill forgot something but then I realized that Gary had it installed in his office after Bill and Mary left.

Michael thinks Ashley is a beautiful brilliant African American woman apparently.

Toni and Steve are feeling a little over looked in the physically attractive category lately. I guess Josh keeps getting all of the attention. 

My sweater apparently reminds Toni of "Scooby Doo" and Bill said it reminded him of "The Partridge Family". Thanks for making me feel old guys. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

February 2021

 The Daily Chatter*

February 2021

Toni and I had a conversation  that if you're going to be romantically involved with Marilyn Manson then you probably knew that you weren't making good life choices just based on his name, his looks and his Satanic involvements so honestly who cares if you were abused by him. 

Bill and Roxanne should be very proud their daughter loving to say the word "dammit". I wonder where she picked that up from?😂

Tim thinks because he's going on vacation soon that he's going to take the rest of the year off too. 

Steve doesn't want anyone ordering anything from Shaw, he's tired of standing in their lines. 

Tim surprisingly does know how to use logmein. He kicked Steve out of all of the programs he was in on Tim's desk since Steve's computer died. 

"I'm just one step ahead of Tim." Steve about computers

"I didn't come in here for a lecture." Ashley to Bill about her dog deposit

Faith quit her job for about eight hours in retaliation of Mary laying her off for about eight hours last year. 

Faith's daughter told her that she could no longer be in charge of making decisions...sounds like a Rachel and Monica thing. 

Bill was offended that John asked him if he had his vaccination yet. How's that for making somebody feel like they look like they should be over 65. 

Ashley and I definitely missed out on paddle boarding in the snow. I just saw this picture of somebody using their paddleboard as a sled. 

*not to be construed as Gossip